Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010

This weekend ll spend my day in my hometown..I Luv peaceful ...

At this moment DJ down at 100+ pt, so it ll be scary day for KLSE..However NAJIBNOMIC ll undured the struggle..I ll let go my MAXIS-CD even with a few loss..With a cash in hand right now Im ready to SAPU all good counters at good entry..hahaha

Tech Stock can be concluded as a rubbish now, I already disposed my ENG..

Here are a few rubbish stock at the moment..but its a GOLD for me as i at accumulate stage..

A few stocks to noted!!! not a recommendation from me..

UNISEM: Hold 500 unit and ll average down if below 2.00

ENG : Entry price at 1.950

POS : 3.100 (Speculated as EKUINAS ll buy)

RUBEREX: GOOD FA and an entry price at 0.90



MFCB : Slow and steady but FMR LLC (foreign com) keeps buying

Its already 1:00 am and im gonna to sleep and ll wake up again for sahur...zzzzzz

Friday, August 13, 2010


After disposed MUDAJYA with some handsome profit, today i bought lagging stock from TECH sector..
1.770 X 1000

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why i bought MUDAJAYA?

This is an announcement has been made by MUDAJAYA to BURSA

Type : Announcement

Subject : Mudajaya Group Berhad ("Mudajaya" or "Company")

Clarification on fluctuation of the share price of the Company

Contents : Further to our announcement made on the 26th July 2010, the Management have met up with the Securities Commission and provided them with the clarifications requested. The Board of Directors affirm that the Company has conducted its business in a professional manner. The Board wishes to advise shareholders of the Company to exercise caution not to trade in the Company’s shares based on rumours.
Currently, the Company has no borrowings and has a net cash position of approximately RM223 million.The Company’s focus remains on delivering and completing all our projects on hand. The Board will update the shareholders of the Company if and when is necessary.

The second reason is they also buy back their share on 5-6 August 2010..
Now im holding 1200 unit at an average price of 4.055..

Friday, August 6, 2010

August, 6 2010

Im disposing JCY at 1.250 & 1.240 with a loss

Buying MUDAJAYA at 4.080 X 1000 and 3.930 X 200 and closed at 4.00 from hign of 4.320, company has announced that nothing bad happen to the company and SC already been noticed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 8, 2010

Already disposed 1000unit of PETRA at 1.410 with a small profit..thinking to cut loss of JCY, its price form a knife..wait 1st..maybe it ll be a nice waterfall later..